Monday, 29 July 2013

Sinful Sunday week 120 July 27th 2013 - Underwear


I continue to struggle with schizoaffective disorder/claire sentience. The voices are under......where?
under me, under you, under the couch even in my cootch!
I went a whole year without underwear- now I have over 100 pairs (over compensation) but I still love being nude.
For awhile I assigned each voice a color, which transferred over to those 100 pairs of underwear. Was each of them a pair of underwear? I wear the voices like underwear but I can't tell who is over and who is under. Where or where are my underwear and who WHO is my underwear?
My ex says I should keep my underwear on to avoid getting violated by the voices but I have a right to be without my underwear. After all- who is REALLY under my underwear?

Sinful Sundaysee whose being sinful this sunday c/o molly's daily kiss


  1. Oh this is such a fun post!! Love it!

    ~Mia~ xx

  2. Brilliant image, love how you have edited the colours and the words made me chuckle. My brain has moments like this too


  3. Awesome picture - and I love the colour variation in it. The text is pretty interesting, too.

    xx Dee

  4. With the colorization, it almost seems like your lower body is separate from the rest. It looks cool, and the words are like a sexy Dr. Seuss rhyme. xxx

  5. LOL !!! Just brilliant!! Has made my night to view this . . . I'm giggling . . . and tingling!! Very clever, love the words . .. but my eyes keep skipping back up to your picture. Love it!!!

  6. That is one beautiful view!


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